Sunday, April 30, 2006


Nepenthe Recap

The weather was not obliging due to the fog, but there was still a great view to be had. At least that was Justin's take on it, as from his seat the most comely of the Nepenthe waitresses was easily in view as she pursued her duties.

Parking, seating, and service were the best we ever have had since southbound Big Sur traffic was still impeded by the Big Sur Marathon.

Justin was informed that he could order anything on the menu, but was also told that the last Irregular who didn't get the Ambrosia Burger with cheddar was not invited back. He proved himself worthy.

We did change tradition by not having coffee at Cafe Kevah there at Nepenthe, but repaired to Ventana for beverages. It was quite sunny up there, and by the end of the repast we could see the ocean.

Once again, a successful peregrination up the coast.

New Camaldoli Recap

It was a close call, but once again we were able to gracefully avoid vegetarian lunch with my friend Dom Robert, OSB Cam.

The liturgy was, of course, quite supernal amid the mystical simplicity of the chapel. A holy time was had by all. Sermon too long and meandering, but then no one ever goes to a Catholic Church for the preaching.

New Camaldoli Trip

While the Pendragon has posted that TMR™ is "in the can," the truth is that the Faithful Remnant is about to begin our peregrinations to the monastery up the coast for Mass, followed by lunch at Nepenthe.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Another Mens' Retreat. . .

. . . IN THE CAN!

The Last Supper


Through a (Turley) Glass Darkly


Rack of Lamb

Only slightly overdone on account of the egregious negligence of Rex Otii. (The Ponfifex Maximus claimed a Nuremburg Defense.)

Tight Shots from Dinner Conversation


Saturday Night Means. . .

Martinis! Made with Romulan Ale. (Actually, some fancy unpronounceable--but very expensive--Dutch gin.)

At the Winery

Of course we had to take Justin to Justin Winery.

But just what is Justin doing with his finger? (And will it become a Justin cork slogan?--Ed)

Rex Otii Prepares Eggs Benedict

Another TMR culinary triumph. They were "accompliced" with Bloody Marys

The Men's Retreat Descends Upon Justin Winery

Friday, April 28, 2006


The Pendragon Rolls a Strike


The Mens Retreat Goes Bowling

The first game was ugly. The Pontifex Maximus didn't even bowl his age. (And you guys are not that old--Ed.) Indeed, at the fifth frame, when the PM had rolled more gutter balls than pins, someone said, "Dude--I've seen soccer games with higher scores."

Fortunately, we managed to score our Social Security eligibility ages by the end.

Lebowski Day

The weather is lousy. (Where is the "insidious California sunshine?"--Ed.)

So there's only one thing to do:


Film at 11.

It Could Be That Kind of Day

The Pontifex Maximus first words of the morning: "I remember a lot about last night."

Thursday, April 27, 2006


The Result


Night 2. Salmon!


Next Up on the Entertainment Schedule

Putting the "F" back in Freedom!

Men's Retreat in Action

Er, make that "Men's Retreat Inaction."

The Three Bears

Papa, Mama, and Baby. All cued up for our next red meat meal.

Breakfast Popovers

Last night's came out bigger, but these were yummy.

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

The suggestively named Cambria "Joint" Union School District ("joint"--in coastal California--get it?) just appointed a new grammar school principal. Named Stoner.


Rex Otii, speeding ticket in hand (clocked at 88 mph!) has arrived, bearing French gin that looks rather like Romulan ale.

The First Casualty

Rex Otii has managed to bag a speeding ticket driving up here.

Breakfast Notes

"Say. . . you guys don't mind a few eggshells in your eggs, do you?"

Day 2

P.G. Wodehouse offered the following scale for hangovers:

1. The Broken Compass
2. The Sewing Machine
3. The Comet
4. The Atomic
5. The Cement Mixer
6. The Gremlin Boogie

I would have thought, given last night's quantities, that I'd be at about 4.5 or better on the Wodehouse Hangover Scale, but amazingly I find I'm only about a 1.5. Perhaps it was all the food along the way.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Damn! I Burned the Roast!


Mixed Result on Dinner

We were so busy drinking our pre-dinner wine that we (okay, me) overcooked the roast. It came out medium, which is tantamount to being burned to a crisp.

Our physicist friend Brett said, "That's okay. You should have seen what I did to my microwave when I tried a bio-fuel refining experiment in my kitchen with Drano and cans of grease."

Suffice it to say he never used that microwave again (in fact he was lucky not to have been hit by the door when it blew off), and had to spend several hours scraping the grease of his kitchen walls.

The Pre-Dinner Ensemble

These bottle are empty. Before dinner. There are three of us. Get your P.G. Wodehouse five-point hangover scale ready.

Good news! Reinforcements have arrived. Brett V.S. is here, so we can open more bottles!

Haircut Reviews

Since we're waiting for the roast to cook, I solicited reviews on the new do.

The Pontfex Maximus: "Looks like an NBA basketball player gone to seed."

Perpetual Student: "You should be fitted out in Franciscan robes."

The First Night Roast--Before

Check in later for the "after" photo.

The Pendragon Has Arrived

So, here I am after two plane flights, ready to bask in what P.G. Wodehouse called "the insidious effect of California sunshine," and . . . hey, where's the California sunshine?? It is raining and cool, barely even barbecue weather. The Men's Retreat may have to go bowling instead of golfing.

Celeb Siting

Warren Christopher is loitering in the Red Carpet Room at LAX (where I'm changing planes). Reminds me that R. Emmett Tyrrell correctly identified Christopher as America's first woman secretary of state, even though Madeleine Halfbright usually gets that accolade.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


We Could Try Sea Kayaking. . .

. . . or maybe we can just go wine tasting instead. "A whole new kind of tipsy."

Maybe We Should Have Salmon After All?

Recalling that Bertie Wooster attributed Jeeves' intellect to eating lots of fish (he overlooked reading Spinoza before breakfast), the following New York Times headline caught my eye: "Does Eating Salmon Lower the Murder Rate?" Seems some certified spart people at Georgia Tech found that high intake of Omega 3 fatty acids correlates with lower rates of violence. (But I thought the lower rates of violence in Georgia were because they had more guns; see: John Lott--Ed. Yes, but perhaps they are using those guns to shoot the salmon they eat, thus confounding the statisticians.)

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Weather Warning

Latest long range weather forecast is for possible showers and cool temperatures Wed-Thurs-Fri (highs around 60). This sounds like poor golfing or hiking (I have a secret plan for this) weather, but good wine-tasting weather.

What TMR Chews on the Links


Dinner Lineup

Okay, we're heading into the home stretch for our meal negotiations. Here's what I propose:

Wednesday: Assuming I arrive on schedule (2 pm), I'll see if I can pick up a decent rib roast in Morro Bay on my way to the house, and assume responsibility for grilling Wednesday night. The good thing about a rib roast meal is that it will keep decently for a long while if Jeff VS is late arriving (though this may precipitate a wine crisis for the rest of us.)

Thursday: Fish course. I don't care, but Jeff VS and Rich are in charge. (Alternative: Go to SLO for Farmer's Market night, where the eats are fun and the "people watching"--wink, wink, nudge, nudge--is also.)

Friday: Chicken of some kind. Or several kinds.

Saturday:Rack or leg of lamb? Mixed grill?? More beef? Rich's pork ribs? Someone should take dominion. Since there are TWO Weber's available on the deck, maybe we could have a cookoff?

Sunday: YOYOMFs, since I have to leave that morning.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Happy Earth Day

Don't miss me quoted in the Wall Street Journal today.

And while I'm at it, you might want to have a listen to my Ashbrook Center podcast from last week.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


TMR™ Bible Study??

Just heard from #2 child, who I invited to the cabin with her friends on Tuesday for a little barbecue. She informed me that she invited her Bible Study from the dorm for dinner and their weekly study. It seems a rather unorthodox way to begin TMR™ (which officially begins either Wednesday or Thursday).

Just thought that this bit of news would either
1) be of interest
2) elicit some interesting comments

Menu Choices Redux

Pendragon's post below has received little discussion. We begin in a week (or less). We need a little work on this.

Where are we?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


The Canonical Numeration is XVII

While pursuing research in the archives of TMR™ blog I discovered that the correct numeration is that we are about to embark on TMR™ XVII. The significance is that there was a divine coincidence between The Men’s Retreat XVI and the ascension of Benedict XVI.

I think that settles it for all time and eternity.

I have spoken,
Pontifex Maximus Cambriae

Saturday, April 15, 2006


How the Men Arrive at the Men's Retreat


A Misuse of Manliness

Somehow I doubt Union Square Medical Associates got the proper permissions from the Churchill estate to use WSC's image here. (The Churchill family guards this stuff very closely.) Now Hitler, that's another story. But in his case they'd have to be "little braun pills" instead of blue.

From the "I Was a Teenage Existentialist" File


Captions for this photo must be modified Kierkegaard titles.

"I Wish I Could Quit This"

Another preposterous "Brokeback" pose from Gimli.

Let the "Brokeback" bidding begin on this caption.


Truth is, I have no idea of the correct number. If we go once a year from the "official" first Men's Retreat of 1989, this would be XVII, wouldn't it? But then what to do about the years in which we did two (XV-a doesn't really work) or the Mulligan Year of 1992, for instance? And by the way, I do think as a Platonic/Aristotelian goal, we should try to move back to twice-yearly Men's Retreats (spring and fall editions).

Friday, April 14, 2006



A few days back the Pendragon listed the number of this TMR™ as “XVII.” Today he refers to it as “XVIII.”

Which is it?

Menu Choices

Okay, we're falling down on the job of negotiating the menu for Men's Retreat XVIII.

The world revolves around Beef. Beef should be the meal of the first evening, not fish. Either rib eyes or New Yorks. Or maybe a big standing rib roast. Salmon should be the second night, when our digestive systems can use a break from the beef of Night 1. Then, see, on Night 3 we have the option of returning to more Beef, or going to a different red meat (rack of lamb) or chicken. Or a mixed grill, in which Beef can be combined with other meats. (It also gives us an excuse to open more bottles of wine to match up with the mixed grill.) As I am likely to have to miss Night 4 (Sunday), you can have more fish then if you want.

The (kitchen) floor is open.

Caption Contest

"Fennell as Rambo?" "Fennell as Ridiculous Dude?" Nominations are open. Winner gets the right to smack him around.

This Photo Needs No Caption

Just check out the hat.

Caption Contest

Write the best caption for this photo and win a fine bottle of screw-top wine from Rex Otii.

PCH at Lucia


Let's hope this holds.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Good News, Bad News

First the bad news: The tides are perfect during the Men's Retreat for crabbing.

The good news is that there is a health advisory out against eating shellfish or any kind all along the central coast. Seems they have high levels of some kind of toxins right now. And given the amount of self-inflicted toxins already present at the Men's Retreat, we'd better not take any chances.

Say. . . what's your sign?

Seen at the last visit to Nepenthe (site of Men's Retreat lunch expedition). This must be some kind of astology meeting!

Neither an Honorary Member. . .

. . . nor an example of manliness.

Honorary Member of the Men's Retreat

After all, Mansfield does say that Mrs. T. is an example of manliness.

The Newest Irregular

I'm assuming its the person on the right.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Dude--Get a New Do


Best Forgotten

Jeff: "It only looks like I'm smiling."

Early Misfires of the Men's Retreat

The less said the better. But I remember thinking back then that I was fat in this picture.


The Official Book of the Men's Retreat


Good News

I managed to get the wireless internet system at the house working again! So we can freak freely during Men's Retreat XVII.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Danger, Will Robinson!

#2 child has communicated with me that she would like to see all of us during our sojourn in Cambria.

I think in that event we will need to go to Def-con 5 in preparations around the cabin.

Monday, April 10, 2006


New Camoldoli

Caltrans update as of today:

What can I say that will not earn me a lengthier stay in Purgatory?

Dead Bird

I have several directions we might go with the chicken. We can go with the tried and true Beer Can Chicken, or Steve’s smoked chicken pieces. I have three other options worth considering:
Huli Huli Chicken: a Hawaiian style grilled chicken.
Spiced-rubbed chicken breasts with a Dijon-chive sauce.
Butterflied chicken in a lemon-garlic marinade.


Menu Creation

Of course, one of the most important aspects of preparing for TMR is preparing the dinner menu. I recommend that this space be used to debate the possible dining experience according to the Canonical Major Meat Groups:

Recommendations and invective may commense.


True Enough

Better Pontifex Maximus than Gluteus Maximus.

Pontifex Maximus Cambriae... now online.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


The Men's Retreat at Its Best


2006 Men's Retreat Announced

The 2006 Men's Retreat was officially announced today on Fox News. (Well, okay, not really, but it is metaphysically accurate.)

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