Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Rumsfeld to the Rescue

In his usual style Dr. Bob noted the anomalies in the redone kitchen, whereupon a paraphrase of Rumsfeld the Great came in handy: "You go to the Men's Retreat with the kitchen you have, rather than the kitchen you might like to have."
He preferred the old no-oven-leaky-microwave kitchen? So a few of the drawers are blocked! So you blow a circuit when you sue the microwave when the dishwasher is running! What are you doing indoors anyway?
He preferred the old no-oven-leaky-microwave kitchen? So a few of the drawers are blocked! So you blow a circuit when you use the microwave when the dishwasher is running! What are you doing indoors anyway?
I don't know why there's two comments . . .
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